About Us

About Us

We are independent sellers for many holistic health product manufacturers, including ReBuilder Medical. We have been offering the ReBuilder to our customers for 17 years. In that time we have sold over 2500 ReBuilders. People LOVE this device.

Site owner is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, not a licensed physician.  What is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP)?  A Holistic Health Practitioner must complete a comprehensive course of various types of “alternative” healing methods from an accredited institution. In this case, the Global Institute for Alternative Medicine in Santa Cruz, CA.   Areas of focus included emphasis on:

  • Dietary Guidelines & Nutrition
  • Toxicity and Detoxification
  • Common Ailments: Prevent & Treat
  • Alternative Diagnostic Methods
  • Alternative Healing Methods
  • Energy Healing
  • Frequency Therapies
  • Magnetic Healing Techniques
  • Body-Mind Healing Techniques
  • Therapeutic Herbalism
  • Eastern Herbal Medicine
  • Western Herbal Medicine
  • Making Herbal Remedies
  • More

A word from this website’s owner:  Our own peripheral neuropathy story:

“We don’t just sell the The ReBuilder, I am a client and user also.  Back in June, 2004, while riding my motorcycle, I was struck head on by a car who had crossed into my lane. I’m not sure how or why God above saved me, but I lived.

When I woke up in the hospital the next day, I realized I was badly injured. Besides the severe head concussion, I quickly learned that my right foot was badly crushed. I had also broken seven fingers.  

Our first child was due in 5 weeks.  The only thing I kept thinking was, ‘would I ever be able to walk normally, let alone play sports with my kids?’.  It was a slow road to recovery. I walked with a walking boot for 9 months, then a cane for another 6 months before I was able to walk unassisted. Limping of course. 

During all of this time, as the basic bone structure, muscles, and ligaments healed (not completely of course), what bothered me most was the intense non-stop burning in my foot and fingers. Like many of you who are reading this, I suffered for years with neuropathy.  I felt constant pain.  I was on painkillers daily and did not want to do that nasty stuff for the rest of my life. The three doctors I saw all the same thing… ‘your nerves are crushed, sorry there is nothing we can do, nerves are inoperable.’ 

So I tried several alternative therapies, but nothing really worked.  The magnet therapy did help and would give me mild relief, but it wasn’t until we discovered and tried the The ReBuilder that I actually saw concrete noticeable improvements. After using it daily for about three months the neuropathy in my fingers dramatically improved along with my foot. I was able to type on my keyboard without cringing with every keystroke. And I could wear socks and shoes again. Until that point it was just loose sandals for my feet. 

After another two or three months of use with the The ReBuilder my foot made dramatic improvements, so I cut back on using it to just a few times a week. After six more months of sporadic use my foot neuropathy pain was completely gone. I was sold!

My wife and I were already operating a holistic health website (www.frequencyrising.com) and we wanted to offer this wonderful product to our clients, so I contacted Dr. Phillips at ReBuilder Medical and asked if we could sell this amazing product. Since that time, we have sold over 2500 ReBuilder units to our own clients with amazing feedback. We still get referrals from clients from years ago!

The money back guarantee is a great safety net for buyers, and we can honestly say that we only get one in about every 25 units returned to us. And these are usually severe diabetics who have the dark stocking feet, which tells us that they basically are too far gone.

If you’re like we were and feeling desperate and suffering, The ReBuilder is a true bit of hope.  Feel free to call us and discuss in more detail if you wish. Thanks, and God bless.”
